Léon himself long survived not only his daughter, but also his younger brother and his most celebrated literary collaborator, Stein.
Modest shared his sexual orientation and became his literary collaborator, biographer and closest confidant.
According to Max Saunders, Conrad, in his quest to obtain a literary collaborator, had been recommended by several literary figures.
A writer and a rabbi, respectively, the husband and wife are also literary collaborators.
Zukofsky and Williams quickly became close friends and were to be literary collaborators for the rest of Williams's life.
Leslie Scalapino served as literary collaborator.
She was the second wife and literary collaborator of George Johnston.
The literary collaborator could end up being somewhat of a referee as well, a role now often played, according to the publishers, by Mr. Barnett.
He employs you to perform a skilled mechanical operation, not to be his literary collaborator.