Socialist realism emerged as a literary method in the early 20th century in Russia, especially in the works of Gorky.
He interprets the New Testament episode of Jesus' walk on water (Mark 6:45-56) by literary critical methods related to fantastic literature.
Higher criticism: the study of the sources and literary methods employed by the biblical authors.
In its literary methods, the book quietly exchanges the hard-packed ground of naturalism for the boggy, fog-wrapped terrain of the surreal.
He employed a literary method of succinct statements with a great sensibility for matters of style and tone.
The novel's success results from a skillful application of established literary methods to an apparently iconoclastic theme.
The absence of a literary method of education from Roman life was due to the fact that Rome was bereft of any national literature.
Simulated Real Time is a literary method of creating an event with the help of authentic material accompanied by a commentary framework.
Most writers, most readers even more so, want to believe in such magnifications of literary method and literary meaning.
Restraint is also part of Mr. Eco's literary method, used to rein in his imagination.