In 1956 Janker published his first stories, soon after, short novels, essays, literary portraits and travel reports.
There is an exceptional literary portrait of a reeve in the second half of the 14th century.
When he met Gertrude Stein during the mid-1920's, he was struck by her free-association literary portraits, which she wrote in one sitting.
At the same time that her artwork diminished, she became the subject of literary portraits by three writers.
Socratic dialogue remained a popular format for expressing arguments and drawing literary portraits of those who espouse them.
Most of the recipes, some of which are forced companions to the literary portraits, were written by the two compilers.
But to create a full literary portrait, one should look, of course, for many other sources, too".
With rich characterization and realistic settings, it offers one of the very best literary portraits of modern Manhattan'.
Her first literary portrait was of Truman Capote, in Florence in 1950.
Brief supplementary essays by the various principals in the story round out a dual literary portrait.