The boy player has been a popular subject in literary, theatrical and cinematic representations of the Elizabethan theatre.
She told me to give it another chance, because it was one of the best literary representations of motherhood she'd ever read.
Similarly, sophisticated analyses of the literary or visual representation of rape have to be distinguished from its social reality.
The power invested in Spenser's literary representations helped establish patterns which became culturally entrenched even to the point of resisting changing historical categories.
She marshals postmodern critical theories in order to explore literary representations of the subject.
Song of Songs for the first time gives literary representation to the everyday post-exilic vernacular.
Reflecting the pedigrees of its partners, the firm did everything from international law and commercial work to literary representation.
Sexual squalor is particularly blamed as a corruptor of people entertained by its literary, cinematic or telegenic representation.
If literary representations of God are all we have, then literary critics are the true prophets.
The means of literary representation is language.