The Newspaper Association of America Foundation strives to develop engaged and literate citizens in a diverse society.
Movies provide temporary jobs today, but libraries help produce literate citizens fit for the jobs of the future.
By 1750, Scots were among the most literate citizens of Europe, with an estimated 75% level of literacy.
This model postulates that in order to be a fully literate citizen, a person needs:
The media are full of stories about the failures of the city's schools to produce literate citizens and educated workers.
Is our aim to be raising scores at any cost or raising mathematically literate citizens?
And how can any halfway literate citizen of the world fail to recognize the name "Mina Harker," for chrissakes?
(Voting is mandatory in Brazil for literate citizens.)
Although he says that portions of the earlier days were circulating among the literate citizens of Tuscany while the work was in progress, this is doubtful.
At the time, literate citizens of the country comprised as little as 10% of the population.