They do not deal with the practices of the media; practices that are, in themselves, real obstacles to the development of a politically literate public.
Dozens of more contributions are listed in Clayton's journal publications and in his 2003 book written for the scientifically literate public.
Better to risk a bit of "frustration" at the preschool level and to reap the benefits of a literate public.
Numerous writers appealed to the literate public.
The written press allowed the literate public to understand what issue the caricaturist's above were referencing in their prints.
The Government appreciated the usefulness of the newspaper as a medium of communication with the literate public.
The broader literate public also comes down on the "Democratic" side, as indicated by frequency of usage.
It was designed for the literate public rather than for priests and literati, and was reissued many times.
Unable to define its goals clearly, the space program has largely failed to fire the imagination of the technologically literate Japanese public.
Periodicals offered society members the opportunity to publish, and for their ideas to be consumed by other scientific societies and the literate public.