In 1930, he met and married Tola Gryn, a literature student.
"He was hiring failed English literature students, these guys who are floating around in the world and will never know what they're doing."
He is a 20-year old literature student, and lives with his friend Marta.
In Rice's words, "I wanted to be a writer, not a literature student."
Mariam Hussein, 20, a literature student, said she had barely escaped injury while standing near the front gate in the crowd.
Likewise, literature students use this laboratory as a place for film viewing of relevant movies to supplements their literary experiences taken from books.
In 2003 we had 18 universities participating, with many painting and literature students.
In the show, he plays a literature student in the role of a credible gangster rapper.
The literature student is blocked from the sonnet by the educational system built around it, what Percy calls its "package."
Prior to his arrest, he was a literature student at Cairo University.