She lived up to Reilly's descriptions, this shimmering, lithe creature from nowhere.
Such a strong lithe creature she was, and so sharp of mind.
They were lovely creatures, lithe and lean, and they didn't look the least bit tame.
The lovely, lithe creature that gazed back at her was still recognizably Tarma-but oh, the differences that a few simple changes made!
Even in death, the lithe creature appeared graceful and dynamic.
Some long, lithe creature, like an eel, was swimming for its life, with an immense shark behind it.
She had a look about her that seemed almost animalistic, like a lithe stalking creature that was on the scent of prey.
Abigail was a tall, lithe creature with dark brown hair and uptilted sea-green eyes that would have done justice to a mermaid.
It was a woman, a lithe, splendid creature whose vibrant figure exuded magnetic vitality.
In all respects, the sceptrana was a beautiful creature, tall and lithe, yet with deceptively delicate features.