Two lithe blond girls with that same strong-boned beauty.
Some of the sailors elbowed each other as they admired the lithe Haitian girls.
Then a lithe, dark-haired girl caught his eye.
I saw a lithe young girl with very fuzzy hair, dancing with a Jew.
A lithe black teenage girl seems to be the heroine: she appears most frequently and is also the only nonwhite person pictured.
He wrapped his arms round the slim, lithe young girl and kissed her fair head.
He extended his arms and the lithe girl bolted from the right doorway, ran toward him giggling.
"It doesn't bother me," said Jackie, a lithe girl with luminous eyes.
She thought of the lithe girl who had regarded Reith with such insolence.
Colonists passed by, looked at me and the lithe young girl slung across my shoulder, frowned, and walked on.