Such devices, produced by standard lithography techniques, may point the way to scalable quantum computing tools.
In addition, already established lithography techniques can be used to print metamaterial elements on a PC board.
The lithography techniques we rely on to give us the latest in electronics are getting more expensive and technically challenging with each new process shrink.
More pattern-transferring methods than traditional lithography techniques (more "ink" options)
Most experts feel that traditional optical lithography techniques will not be cost effective below 22 nm.
At that point, it may be replaced by a next-generation lithography (NGL) technique.
IBM has developed an alternative maskless lithography technique based on atomic force microscopy see here.
In the 40s Dehn began to sell more lithographs and to teach other American artists lithography techniques.
However, a lingering barrier to nanometer-scale patterning is the current reliance on other lithography techniques to generate the template.
To reduce roughness of line edges, advanced lithography techniques are used.