The groups are surrounded by legal challenges and controversy and provide little access to those who set policy.
You may have difficulty finding an English speaker and there is little or no access to services.
There was little or no access to washing facilities, and parasites and disease spread easily.
Still, the enthusiasm with which the Internet is being received seems to reflect a view that a little access is better than none at all.
They wrote that subjects had, "little or no introspective access to higher order cognitive processes".
It also diluted the requirements that banks make loans to minorities, farmers and others who have had relatively little access to credit.
They have few avenues for redressing abuses, and little access to resources that could help them build better lives.
Imagine a large family with a small income, no car and little access to public transportation.
There was little access to missionaries or priests near his home on the Grand River.
There is therefore little access across this land.