I have a feeling that large things may be expected of these beans, great oaks from little acorns as it were.
Tilly was a little acorn of a woman with sparkling eyes and deep-set wrinkles.
Fascinating little acorns on a very prolific tree.
Yes,from little acorns did oaks grow at the Hicks Nursery.
It's said that from little acorns mighty oaks do grow.
But WE do - and from a little acorn a mighty oak can grow.
However, from little acorns big trees grow and the step by small step approach is more likely to succeed.
But I can't see an oak growing from this little acorn, can you Damian?
But Marcus Mackenzie believed that from little acorns big oaks grew.
They are the little acorns from which some of the biggest oaks in the forest of jobs have grown.