He put up his hand and pulled down a curious little contrivance of metal, clockwork and tiny hammers.
(O.K., into every comedy, a little contrivance must fall.)
She made him a drink, and showed him the cunning and luxurious little contrivances for comfort about the flat.
Written with immense narrative subtlety and not a little contrivance, it has been insufficiently studied.
Some of the little contrivances, which he thought so canny, left her doubtful.
This, with a little contrivance and some powerful sticking-plaster, she fixed to a strong elastic garter.
By properly proportioning the movements, this little contrivance simulated the transitions from the morning star to the evening star.
To his delight he saw that, with a little contrivance, it could be built on the other side of the wall of Hector's room.
The reflection that Charles's absence from town might, with a little contrivance, make it possible for her to meet Mr. Fawnhope decided the matter.
And we could not have chosen a more perfect moment in the history of this great city for our little contrivance.