The story begins with the line, "One morning in May, five little dachshunds were born."
Cookie neatly prepares several pretzels, which then are salted by the same little dachshund, and carried thence away.
He puts a perky little dachshund in her arms.
From the pocket of his jacket he took the amusing little dachshund Stella had made.
The little dachshund who'd been killed by one of Gant's gunmen had been a great companion.
Hillside Estates people, a family of four plus a nervous little dachshund.
The little dachshund darted between their legs, leaping up and down, ears flapping in excitement.
Anyone would, after cradling that smelly, rebellious little dachshund in her arms for the better part of an hour.
And my, how Martin Luther loved his little dachshunds.
He was holding leashes with two little dachshunds trotting at the ends.