One hell of a nasty little factoid.
I keep on banging on about this little factoid because it blows the "austerity" case apart.
I am sure they cherry picked little factoids and massaged them to make a story here.
I wrote a story, parsing the misleading little factoids that studded his stump speeches; the headline was that quote.
Consider this cool little factoid: The carpet you currently have in your home may have been boiled in a vat of water at some point.
As Issenberg points out, these little factoids are credibility crutches.
In the meantime here's a little factoid for all you hair-tearing alarmists: climate changes.
"No," I said, "I don't think you actually did pass on that semi-important little factoid."
I darn near burned my hands attempting the verification of this little factoid of life.
At the risk of sounding like a climate change skeptic, there's a reason that little factoid is put at the very end of the article.