With any luck, we may be able to forestall the projected ending of this little melodrama.
He turned back to the bar and met the cold eyes of the new bartender, who must have seen the sordid little melodrama from the beginning.
In the street below, all four characters in the little melodrama looked up to the rooftop, but of course they didn't see him.
Do you think this little melodrama will force my hand?
There is an advantage in doing these little melodramas on Eretzi.
A little melodrama would tell us how to feel, and leave us feeling better.
People don't believe them because "they" always have some little melodrama playing out.
Sometimes, though, it doesn't happen that way, and certainly not in this little melodrama of urban obsession and rejection.
But it is also an enigmatic little melodrama enacted by a group of inanimate objects.
But triteness is not the worst thing about this manipulative little melodrama.