Just between you and me, he's a vindictive, stupid little pipsqueak with an ego as big as a house.
And here I am a little pipsqueak behind a desk in horned-rimmed glasses.
But there are little pipsqueaks who get their disgusting little videos out there.
Had she actually let him control her, instead of forcing the little pipsqueak of a human to her mighty will- Will!
He certainly wasn't afraid of this little pipsqueak of a man.
"Now don't go thinking about that little pipsqueak," Homer abjured her somewhat sleepily.
Astro is a arrogant little pipsqueak whose pride will cause him to end up on a path that will lead to destruction.
Well, bear this in mind, you cold-blooded little pipsqueak: I'm holding you personally responsible.
"If this little pipsqueak so much as parts his lips, I'll find a pool and dunk him."