The little principality was, so to speak, in commission, and governed by a few privy-councillors.
She was home but, like him, an exile: together they made up a little principality but it was inside the great metropolis.
For all we know the Allies might break up the Reich into fifty little principalities, just as it was five hundred years ago.
Most important ordynacja were veritable little principalities.
There were enough little principalities in the Empire.
The little principalities of the Holy Lands lay all tangled up with one another nearer the coast, to the north and west.
A lot of people wanted every island and fjord to continue as its own little principality.
The little principalities and dukedoms were absorbed in, that great Empire.
The old sort of Prince, the old little principality has vanished from the world.
Most Shan States were just a little principalities organized around the chief town in the region.