A little-known organization called Citizens for the Republican Congress hopes to raise $35 million to spend on this year's Congressional elections.
Recognizing that word of the Mellon Foundation's interest could inflate property prices, it asked the Conservation Fund, a little-known nonprofit organization in Arlington, Va., to make the acquisitions quietly.
Federal investigators did not want the public to know that they had requested confidential information about library use in Connecticut from a little-known organization called Library Connection.
The kidnapping was attributed to a little-known organization called Sequestri Anonimi - the Anonymous Kidnappers - not to Italy's main organized crime gangs like the Mafia.
Buried deep inside the bills is a provision that would give a little-known organization known as the North American Electric Reliability Council the power to write and enforce mandatory reliability standards.
In a faded brick building in south London, a little-known organization that was established 150 years ago to abolish slavery is busier than ever at its task.
At ground zero in all this is the little-known, 7,000-member organization tucked away in an old Army building in Bethesda, Md.
The method is simple: go after the little guy, the little-known organization or activity; no one will say anything.
Harder hit may well be two little-known organizations that annually receive $14.9 million to preserve land along the Hudson.
A trial against a little-known organization called Xaki, acquitted in 2001 as the "international network" of ETA.