These two are the only liturgical celebrations in which a distinction is made between an ordinary and other parts.
The school has kept a strong relationship with the local St Antony's Church in which liturgical celebrations are often held.
A third characteristic of the liturgical celebration is that readers receive a blessing given as a mandate by the priest, before going up to read.
The system of feasts and requirements of liturgical celebrations were also far more complicated than they are today.
Designated to prepare and lead the liturgical songs for all liturgical celebration.
The liturgical celebration ceased to be daily in the course of the nineteenth century.
You have to remember the conclave is a liturgical celebration particularly from the morning to the evening.
A cope may be worn also by priests or deacons for liturgical celebrations outside of Mass.
For the liturgical celebration in Nagasaki Stadium more than 30,000 participants attended.
The triple tiara was not worn for liturgical celebrations, such as Mass.