It contains many additional material, liturgical and secular.
Weill incorporated extensive Jewish liturgical material: his rabbinical family dated to the 13th century.
Most of the motets are based on standard liturgical material: psalms, devotional hymns, responsories, and so forth.
Wulfstan is known to have written liturgical materials relating to the Cult of St. Aethelwold.
Brownell's extensive writings include diocesan charges, liturgical material, scriptural commentaries and other works.
This claim is quite likely historically accurate, though it is difficult to verify textually as little liturgical material from the Land of Israel survives.
On Tuesday and again today, the bishops overwhelmingly approved the liturgical material, which will now go to the Vatican for final approval.
(2) Secondly and more frequently, "menologion" is the collection of those lives of the saints just mentioned, without the other liturgical materials.
In addition to liturgical material, Hershman also recorded Yiddish songs as well as opera selections.
The amount of liturgical material preserved in Baclayon is impressive.