It took even longer than that to restore their flooded houses to a livable condition.
At that time the castle was in livable condition.
He fixes up the squat to livable condition.
Difficult terrain was favored for finding evidence of livable conditions, but the rover must be able to safely reach the site and drive within it.
These victims of domestic violence are often excluded from homelessness studies, despite the lack of livable conditions in their homes.
"Not until I get at least one room in livable condition."
The purpose of obtaining a certificate of occupancy is to prove that, according to the law, the house or building is in livable condition.
This suggests that Jinju is providing senior citizens with livable conditions, such as a variety of welfare programs and pleasant living environment.
SC is not always equivalent to livable conditions.
Most tenants who were interviewed said they did not care who owned their buildings; they just wanted livable conditions.