She closed her eyes, living behind them awhile, until sleep began to draw darkness inside her.
I wanted to live awhile among those who had been part of his childhood and his last few years.
About his legacy, he said: "I think probably two or three of the books will live awhile.
I lived awhile in the hot countries.
Let me tell you something you haven't learned yet, something you learn only by living awhile.
You ve been living awhile in the front of my skull, making orders.
All those great pueblos like at Kinishba-people lived in them awhile, and then they'd move on.
"Be quiet," he said in his most commanding voice, "and I'll let you live awhile."
He was a legislative aide, then reportedly lived awhile in Puerto Rico.
I'd love to hear your last word, but I think you're planning to keep living awhile.