The goal of therapy should be "freedom to live chastely according to one's state in life."
Julie-Ann's desperation to get every detail perfect isn't a good sign, neither is Justin's reaction to her suggestion of living chastely apart until their wedding night.
The Church teaches that people who have homosexual tendencies are called to live chastely.
Ferrar argued that to live chastely entailed a life of celibacy.
The brethren were also charged to live chastely, to not leave the hospital without their habit and not invite their friends to the hospital without the permission of the Provost.
It cited the church's constitution, or Book of Order, which requires that its married officers remain faithful to their spouses and that its unmarried officers live chastely.
And I know he respected their strength to live chastely.
They are women who live chastely together, dedicating their lives to Mir.
Emmeline returns to her family, lives chastely for 20 years, then meets and marries a young railroad worker who, as she discovers at her mother's funeral, is her son.
The world cannot utter its gross libidinous sneers at a girl who lives chastely with her Lee-Enfield, her Ballard, her light Winchester.