His cause is being debated more widely than it ever was while he was living clandestinely in Damascus.
It was created because refugees were living clandestinely along the coast, Mr. Deer said, "and they will do that again if it is closed."
He had been living clandestinely in Kenya under the protection of Greek diplomats until he was seized by Turkish commandos on Monday night.
Many Catholics who had fled have returned to Chanal but continue to live almost clandestinely.
"Any figure will be incomplete, because it does not count the people without documents who are living clandestinely, do not want to declare themselves."
As a result, Guevara spent the next six months living clandestinely in Dar es Salaam and Prague.
Tomo then lives clandestinely at Marek's place.
Shortly after his graduation, persecution by the government forced him to move to Asunción, where he lived clandestinely and illegally.
José Gregório died in 1961, after living more than 20 years clandestinely, due to the persecution of the political police.
Most of the immigrants had been living clandestinely in France for years, had families here and were demanding the right to stay on legally.