Most live in families and neighborhoods where English is not spoken.
More than 70 percent of poor children live in families where somebody has income from work.
Only about 30 percent of children now live in such families.
By contrast, only 8 percent live in families with an annual income of $50,000 or more.
The study also found that most of the children - 62 percent - lived in working families.
We know that 9 of 10 uninsured children live in families where at least one parent is working.
Nearly 40 percent of the city's 1.7 million children live in families that are poor.
They were more likely to live in particularly low-income families headed by a single parent.
Before, people used to live in big families and didn't need to learn.
Older offspring, which are around two years old, may also live in families and help their parents.