In the years when he was living richly in royal London to pay a debt she had to borrow forty shillings from her father's shepherd.
Shirley and Red: two parallel lives, richly lived, artfully written and lovingly remembered.
Employability, good citizenship, a life richly lived, all depend on it.
I have learned to live and live richly as I am now.
Some of the men live too richly for their purses, if you understand me.
She is used to living richly, however, and therefore focuses on her two beautiful daughters as her best hope of financial security.
They lived richly and were encouraged to enter the pre-productive phase that we call the Mesolithic.
He was a man who could live richly and well without money, as long as he had wild country and books.
He also bred bulldogs, was an avid sportsman and lived richly among a large circle of literary and artistic friends.
Is that really so different from the Citigroup ads which advise us to "live richly"?