This explains how man and nature live side-by-side.
Businessmen, students, artists, hippies and traditional families with children live side-by-side.
The series is set in an alternate history where supernatural beings live side-by-side with normal humans.
At best people will live side-by-side without killing each other.
Interestingly, those two tenants living side-by-side within her are not natural brethren.
People of different racial and economic backgrounds live side-by-side in the neighborhood.
There had to be several families of both races living here side-by-side, but everyone seemed to be taking it with stride.
China Lake allowed both civilians and military to live side-by-side in government housing.
Despite the differences that exist between these groups, they live side-by-side in peace and share public and private sector responsibilities.
Year levels are mixed in each dorm, with first-year through senior students living side-by-side.