Indeed, Annlaw puts himself into the clay and makes it live with his own life.
"Now that I am living on my own, with my independent life, my finances are really tight," she said.
Banks thought not, but it was a possibility, and a mistake, he had lived with all his life.
Live with my life for all your remaining years and let it go at that.
"It's like suddenly being told that not only are you being sold, but you have to give up the name you've lived with your whole life."
I have to live with this my whole life.
I can't live with my whole life in turmoil, and this is the only thing I have any control over.
I had to apply for access - access to my own daughter who I'd lived with all her life.
For she was gripped now by the same agony her grandmother had lived with all her life.
And fear was an emotion that the Mouse had lived with all his short, shattered life.