Before he broke through in the majors, Liriano lived in a small house here with his parents and nine siblings.
Born in northern Iraq, he lived in austerity with nine siblings.
But there are patches of hope, among them Antwoine's home, where he lives with his grandparents, his mother and two younger siblings.
He lived there with His parents and four siblings until the age of 10, then in 1962 the family moved to Milan.
He lives with his parents and five siblings - 3 brothers and 2 sisters.
The 13-year-old, who the police say supplied the weapon, lives with his mother and two siblings.
He lives with his single mother and two younger siblings.
Now 8, Trevor, who lives in the Bronx with his parents and two younger siblings, seems to agree.
He lived there with his parents and four siblings until he was 13.
Both of the brothers are unmarried and lived at home with their parents and six other siblings.