Visually evoking a composite modernity that embraces half a century of tackiness, the movie looks and feels like a frantic live-action psychedelic cartoon.
La familia P. Luche, however, plays more like a live-action cartoon, complete with colorful sets and comic sound effects.
There is no place for character in a live-action cartoon that hurtles forward at the speed of light.
Variety called it "a ripsnorting live-action cartoon, utterly implausible but no less enjoyable for that."
A live-action cartoon?
As it should in a movie that is really a live-action cartoon, nothing in "Mission: Impossible" looks exactly real.
As its outrageous characters slither and scuttle around the congested Taiwanese capital, the film has the feeling of a live-action cartoon.
This trashy trilogy about high jinks at a Florida high school in the 1950's offers caricatures of teachers so grotesque they seem like live-action cartoons.
It is itself a mutant of sorts, a contentious, unsightly hybrid of martial-arts exploitation film and live-action cartoon.
"We're kind of a live-action cartoon."