In addition, it is the first animated feature by Pixar to have segments featuring live-action characters.
The show is moderated by Kerwhizzitor (Jacob Scipio), the only regular live-action character.
The Player: The only live-action character on the program, always seen from behind as a computer player at the beginning and closing of the show.
A central concept of the show was that two live-action main characters would appear to interact with the sets and characters of a virtual world.
This type includes the six package films produced from 1942 to 1949, most of which also include some live-action characters.
Cartoon animation was an important feature; the animated characters in the films interact directly with the live-action characters, which was an innovation at the time.
This version of Hamlet is a comedy shot entirely in front of a green screen and features live-action characters in an animated world.
AFI defines "fantasy" as a genre where live-action characters inhabit imagined settings and/or experience situations that transcend the rules of the natural world.
When it came time to translate the comic book Justice Society members into live-action characters, Johns stated that he tried to keep everyone exactly the same.
In 1994, the live-action character was retired.