It will also test the market for large for-rent live-work spaces in the financial district.
Another includes live-work space, with a storefront best suited for a studio or art gallery and living space in the back.
Since it's a live-work space, a portion of each company's rent is tax-deductible.
WAS it a live-work space she needed, a smaller work studio or a cheaper apartment?
But there weren't many live-work spaces suitable for her equipment.
Some of the units would be intended as artist's live-work space.
Construction began in 2004 of roughly 200 condos, lofts, and live-work spaces.
Behind the scenes, the Artaud is a live-work space that started up in 1972, way before the concept became common.
A second developer recently proposed turning a fifth Whitlock building into live-work space for artists.
"There are artists who want to buy and have the down payment, but only want live-work space."