The lively cafe, with maximum seating for 50, serves appealing French food at very reasonable prices.
Surrounded by lively cafés, with an avenue of trees along one quay, the old harbor still serves the fishing fleet and small sailboats.
The food car was divided into two sections of 24 seats each: the restaurant and the lively cafe, where people were lined up along an attractive cold smorgasbord.
But Konobo Gust, a lively cafe on the first road back from the waterfront promenade, was packed with locals and visitors.
At the time, Baghdad was a bustling, cosmopolitan city with lively cafes and bars.
This lively, breezy café serves decent coffee, comida corriente and cold drinks.
The waterborne bustle on view here is mesmerizing, and this would be a fine spot for a lively cafe.
Just three hours away, Budapest also has a lively cafe culture, plus a vibrant mix of old and new.
The nearby streets are lined with lively cafés and interesting bookshops.