David's lively face took on an expression in which regret and determination were almost equally mixed.
At the end of each day on the set, however, his lively face shows exhaustion and strain.
Already he could see before him the lively face, the football shoulders, and the hearty smile.
He had a lively spare face and a bold gaze.
He had large brown eyes and a lively, open face, and liked to keep his head shaved.
He had a lively, ruddy face and unruly black hair.
She had tangled brown hair, a small and lively face, a dress of dark red material that clung to her.
Merriman looked out over the heads at the lively pointed face.
He was a small man with a lively dark-skinned face and a ready smile.
Carol Curtis was small with brown hair cut short and a lively, innocent-looking face.