There is also a lively forum where contributors share recipes, offer advice about cookery skills and where to buy products.
At present, the previously lively official forum remains shut down, presumably as a result of postings on the message board which would generate negative publicity for the event.
Our classroom style and interactive format will create a lively forum for learning and exchange.
The Democratic Convention in New York should be a livelier forum for a Veepstakes.
And I want to hear from you: your feedback and comments will make this blog a more lively and insightful forum.
Iran's press has become a lively forum for exposing excess.
Goats also has a lively forum filled with a diverse range of readers (including webcomic artists and critics) and with a variety of topics.
The readers addressed the links and each other in the comments section, formerly a lively forum for debate and discussion.
I was wondering whether this was going to be a lively forum, and I am delighted to see that it is.
There presently exists no livelier forum for the exchange of ideas on the changing relationships between cities in the era of economic globalization.