All the stories are filled with dense and lively interplay of ideas.
I caught sight of a few visitors, but there was none of the lively interplay between patients and family members.
Scored for nine winds, and closer in spirit to 18th-century divertimento than to a late-19th-century symphony, the Gounod is rich in sweet bubbly melodies and lively interplay.
Thereafter, the balance shifted slowly as Mr. Gutierrez brought a measured boldness to the piano line, and in the finale there was a sense of equal opposition that made for some lively interplay.
In its best moments, the performance had both the lively interplay of chamber music and the solidity and punch of an orchestral performance.
It is this lively interplay between the drummer and the singer that was carried from ketuk tilu, and is an identifying feature.
In Lefty the author's point of view is engaged in lively interplay with that of the main (grotesquely naive, simple-minded) character.
The interplay among the three crackles, with Ms. LaMar especially lively.
Repetition and variation create a lively visual interplay in these large, complex compositions.
These musicians seem never to give merely dutiful read-throughs: when the music offers opportunities for lively interplay, they run with it.