You'd think a guy like Chase Lewis would've lived in a more lively neighborhood.
Chintoo, a sweet and naughty boy lives in an upper middle class, lively neighborhood with his parents.
The freak street area is a lively Nepalese neighborhood where people live, make their business, children go to school, with history of its own kind.
Cote d'Azur offers one more reason for a visit to the lively neighborhood.
As a result, the area has become a lively 24/7 neighborhood, with a diverse mix of people.
It is a very lively neighborhood, where there are always parties.
The Arbat is the lively neighborhood in Moscow where the author grew up.
This lively neighborhood, the center of the Italian community, was once the focus of the city's intellectual and artistic life.
Getty Square is a very lively neighborhood, rich with many resources and unique stores.
Their work focused on the importance of lively neighborhoods and inviting public spaces.