Puzzle people are those who have received a donated heart, liver, kidney or other organ.
Patients with liver, kidney or adrenal abnormalities are at a higher risk of developing adverse events.
The disease is defined as an acute parenchymatous fatty degeneration of the liver, kidney, or heart, combined with hemorrhages into the various organs.
This transformed transplantation from an "experimental" procedure to an accepted form of treatment for patients with end-stage liver, kidney, and heart disease.
Lesions are seen on the liver, kidney and many other internal organs both histologically and grossly on postmortem examination.
In addition to lung tumors, microwave ablation is being studied for the treatment of liver, kidney, and bone cancers.
He concluded that they had actually caused liver, kidney, and heart damage in the rats.
Taking more than 12 grams per day can cause serious side effects such as liver, kidney, and blood problems.
Health Effects Some people who drink water containing 1,1,2-trichloroethane in excess of the MCL over many years could experience liver, kidney, or immune system problems.
Pathological factors can also influence drug metabolism, including liver, kidney, or heart diseases.