Then you realize that the drug has entered her liver metabolism and now is required for that metabolism to continue.
Then the physiological requirements, the collapse of adequate liver metabolism, sets in.
Disease states affecting liver metabolism or gastrointestinal function will also have an effect.
Synthetic progestins are more resistant to liver metabolism, therefore lower doses can be used to achieve the desired endometrial effect.
Ceftriaxone is eliminated by both renal secretion and liver metabolism.
In vitro, human liver metabolism is very slow and only minor amounts of metabolites are found.
These are mainly for drugs without much first-pass liver metabolism.
Meanwhile, the cytokines alter liver metabolism and literally break down human muscles to obtain protein.
For example, liver metabolism, kidney function, nerve transmission or the functioning of bone marrow all decrease with age.
Increased liver metabolism is also seen, with increased gluconeogenesis to increase maternal glucose levels.