This neutralizes free radicals and helps the liver remove toxins, such as acetaldehyde, that are byproducts of metabolizing alcohol.
Although individuals vary a great deal, a very rough guide is that the liver removes one unit of alcohol each hour.
The bilirubin results from the breakup of the hemoglobin of dead red blood cells; normally, the liver removes bilirubin from the blood and excretes it through bile.
Jaundice, the most commonly treated medical condition in newborns, occurs when bilirubin, a toxic yellow pigment, is produced faster than an infant's liver can remove it from the bloodstream, causing the skin to appear yellow.
This is the site at which liver cells attach to the T.P.A. molecule to start the process by which the liver removes T.P.A. from the circulating blood.
The liver removes the tracer from the bloodstream and adds it to the bile that normally flows through the bile ducts to the gallbladder.
It takes a healthy liver about 1 hour to break down and remove 1 unit of alcohol.
Intestines, stomach, liver and spleen removed.
The liver removes many toxins (harmful substances) and adds other substances that the blood needs (amino acids, proteins, coagulation factors, hormones, etc.).
Brain function can be affected when the liver stops working and cannot remove toxic substances from the body.