After 1492, a global exchange of previously local crops and livestock breeds occurred.
Large portion of livestock breeds are cross or introduced breeds.
Late in the day, a handful of visitors walked around and leaned on fences to gaze at the unusual old-fashioned livestock breeds.
In addition numerous livestock breeds hold shows for junior exhibitors annually.
In order to maintain genetic purity, some museums do not mix livestock breeds.
The book describes how the number of livestock breeds in commercial use is decreasing, like the number of plant varieties.
It is a significant educational resource, and helps to preserve some traditional north-country and rare livestock breeds.
The question is how to protect the genetic diversity of livestock breeds.
The different institutions are presented, details for a visit described, directions explained and breed descriptions to many livestock breeds are given.
On the search site users can search for livestock breeds, cultivated plants, countries, kind of institutions and products.