Large quantities of dark ash were deposited over pasture in the same directions leading to many livestock deaths through fluorosis for the next two years.
As of 29 March 2010, about 78 farms reported laboratory-confirmed animal cases, with extensive livestock deaths.
Few details were available on the number of injured, on property damage and livestock deaths.
A cyclone in the region during 1990 resulted in numerous livestock deaths and no vultures were found at the carcasses.
Despite all this, livestock deaths continued and alarm grew among the local farmers.
No human fatalities occurred but livestock deaths were reported.
The tornado outbreak resulted in major property damage, numerous livestock deaths, and one human fatality.
East Africa is experiencing the worst drought for 60 years, which has led to the devastation of farmland, failed harvests and livestock deaths.
United Nuclear denied claims that the spill caused livestock deaths.
The livestock deaths have often been attributed to these large dogs, although human attacks on the sheep have also been suspected.