And the livid sky spun and spoke.
A livid sky on London,Crowley thought,And I knew the end was near.
In the livid sky the layers of feathers become thinner, the [144] doves move a little higher, and above the roofs a rosy light announces a new day of my creation.
Writer Richard Cottrell has noted the similarity in the colouring of the 'livid' sky with another work from the "Black Painting" series, The Dog.
Silver was trailing half a mile behind them, a dot against the livid sky.
It was a livid sky, and sooty clouds were scudding across it.
From out of the livid sky there came a thin, wailing shriek, bloodless and cold-like that of a Sollen wind when it howls down from the frozen northern heights.
She looked around wildly, at the livid sky behind them, at the dark trees on either hand hemming them in like a prison wall, at the frightened figures in the back of the wagon-and finally at him.
Thunder rumbled over the hills beyond the river, and jagged forks of lightning punched across the livid sky.
Curiously, strangely, the snow still held off, the livid sky to the northwest was as far away as ever, and the sky to the south and east had cleared completely.