On the living-room set, four cameras and two boom microphones are following the action of the "Cosby" children.
Gordon Danieli's living-room set, too, has a deadening effect, though he tries to lighten it with some wall art that changes with the mood of the scenes.
He drew $2,099 from the Neediest Cases Fund to buy a living-room set for the family.
A brown living-room set of a couch and chairs sits at the edge of a four-story abyss.
There was even a pause so a living-room set could be moved onto the stage for the band's performance of a down-home acoustic set.
The TV was on, some mindless game show playing on the living-room set.
One summer I made enough to buy a living-room set, a bedroom set and a kitchen set all in about two months.
It will still be a bigger picture than our current 26-inch living-room set.
I also put red "Sold" tags on large appliances and entire living-room sets, and felt magnanimous as my friends gleefully loaded up their vans.
The last segments were so conventional, anyone could have been sitting in the host's chair, on the bland living-room set.