This reduces the balancing load required on the horizontal stabilizer, which in turn reduces the trim drag associated with keeping the glider in longitudinal trim.
Maintaining a uniform gap between the rolls is difficult because the rolls deflect under the load required to deform the workpiece.
The Skywalk deck was designed for a 100-pound-per-square-foot live load along with code required seismic and wind forces.
Investigators determined eventually that this design supported only 60 percent of the minimum load required by Kansas City building codes.
Meyer's law is an empirical relation between the size of a hardness test indentation and the load required to leave the indentation.
It was found that the concrete had deteriorated and would not support the loads required for an index of more than 5.
This increases the beam strength and its stiffness (load required to cause unit deflection), however decreases the deflection capacity and ductility.
The strain gauge on each plate measures the amount of stress and calculates the load required to cause it.
The cylinder head can be altered by using a hydraulic system which is connected to the crank shaft and responds according to the load and acceleration required.
The loads required for a test are stipulated by the item under test, but here are a few to be aware off.