This cost for €3.3 million The listed buildings were gutted, leaving only the outer walls and interior load-bearing structures.
These podium remains are made up of the cement infill between the load-bearing structures.
A part of the bridge where the load-bearing structure was beneath the level of the rails?
Blowing out the structure from one side would still leave the load-bearing structure as a whole intact.
In February 2013 all trams delivered between 2003 and 2009 had to be taken out of service due to extensive corrosion on the load-bearing structure.
In the 20th century, major restoration work was performed on the load-bearing structure, the plaster, wood and decorations.
Reinforced concrete was broadly used as a load-bearing structure.
The five story building was one of the oldest in Norway with load-bearing structures in steel.
The fuselage received much attention from the designers and it was decided to have the floats included in the load-bearing structure.
To boast technical features, they were externalized, often along with load-bearing structures.