Sandy loams and loamy sands are common in the eastern part adjoining Oak Bay.
It is famous for the track surface, which consists of deep, loamy sand.
On either side of the road, the land fills with loamy sand and then becomes dense with trees.
The soil is an imperfectly drained loamy sand podzol, mapped as Saint-Damase series.
These loamy sands extend southward through the marsh area.
They tend to be loamy sand or gravelly loamy sand.
The eastern part has a loamy sand on which arbutus is frequently present.
The circuit, consisting of loamy sand, is seen as one of the toughest in Europe.
The bluegrass and sawgrasses on the rough and fairway are starting to grow in, covering the loamy sand.
A psamment has no distinct soil horizons, and must consist entirely of material of loamy sand or coarser in texture.