Bridge loan - a similar type of commercial loan based on real estate.
Ideally, borrowers would then be able to shop for loans based simply on the interest rate and the cost of the loan.
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits creditors from denying you a loan based on reasons that have nothing to do with your credit-worthiness.
For example, Citicorp, the nation's largest bank, has $20 billion in loans based on the prime rate, and most of those are from credit-card charges.
A nonprofit group in the Cleveland Heights area even offers loans, based on a home buyer's race, to achieve a racial mix in certain neighborhoods.
More than ever before, today's home buyers are able to customize their loans, based largely on how much risk they are willing to assume.
Fleet Bank's insistence on a personal guarantee exceeds the requirements of federal election law, which permits loans based solely on fund-raising pledges.
In most cases, Ms. Schweppe said, the second mortgage is a balloon mortgage - typically a 15-year loan based on a 30-year payment schedule.
They didn't have the mathematics to follow modern portfolio theory, which calls for loans based on the projected cash flow of the borrower.
Commercial loan - Standard, broad types of loans based on commercial property value.