In the savings and loan debacle, Congress learned that refusal to deal with insolvency problems early cost far more later.
These actions come as Republican election strategists have become increasingly concerned about the potential political costs of the savings and loan debacle.
Now, the Government says he was a significant villain in the savings and loan debacle.
Great Western and other strong institutions contend that they had nothing to do with the savings and loan debacle.
The cost of the savings and loan debacle is responsible for much of the rise.
The savings and loan debacle, which has cost taxpayers $165 billion, is about to become more expensive.
In the wake of loan debacles, banks decided to get smaller.
These rules would prevent a replay of the savings and loan debacle.
Or could there be a replay of the savings and loan debacle?
The hearing today is the latest in a series held by the Banking Committee on the savings and loan debacle.